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Letters to the Wind Writing Workshop

This workshop is specially designed to allow you to craft a special, handwritten letter. The letter recipient may be living or not, known to you or not. The recipient may even be yourself.

Perhaps you never had a chance to tell someone you loved them. Perhaps you want to say “I’m sorry”. Perhaps you want to say “thank you”, or “I see you” or even “you are right where you need to be right now – and you are enough”. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to say what needs to be said.

You should have a solid idea of your recipient, and may wish to bring a photo to assist with inspiration. You will be led through a writing warm up and will be provided with time for focused letter writing. Breaks will be taken with opportunities for sharing and/or discussion on progress or barriers. Letters created may or may not be sent or shared, kept or burned.

A beautiful Maxine Noel card or a birchbark page will be available for you to transpose the final draft of your letter.

An outdoor fire will be available for participants to send their words into the air and onto the wind to be delivered to the intended recipient. Or, stamps will also be available for those that prefer.

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